Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Yellow by ColdPlay, rainymood, progress on barre chord

Jack... Here's an idea I'm going to try ... to use this blog as two things: (1) a way to chat with you about what I'm working on, PLUS as a journal for myself to keep track of the process of my learning the guitar, including challenges and leaps (eureka experiences) in the learning process. I joke with Bill that 18 years from now, I'll look back and chuckle at my novice beginnings. Here's entry 1.

So, this morning I started working on "Yellow" by Cold Play. I came across the song in this list of 10 easy guitar songs for beginners, then tracked it down for a listen on youtube... and LOVE the pretty tune, and immediately started working on it.

I'm not too hugely fond of the original by ColdPlay ... prefer the accoustic cover by a gal named Clara. (and I'm liking her strumming pattern, it's easy for a beginner to replicate ... D D D DU D D D D, that little "up" in there on the mid strings is a nice variation that's easy to add ... (From here on I'm going to say in my head: D D D chicky D D D D) And her voice is simple and in my range (but alas a lovely voice ... but you work with what ya got, right? onwards and upwards) 

... Nice chords worked out by Marty Schwartz in his lesson, fun to throw in "interesting" Asus2 to Asus4, then E to Esus4, then D to Dsus2, all very easy... then one tricky barre chord.... Thank you Marty

Progress: Fun and easy to strum along with Clara. I like the "odd" chords. I am having success forming an eshape minor chord on the electic, which is a major improvement over just a week ago. Yay. But still it takes time for me to get it set up.

Challenges: The barre chord F#minor: this song only plays it for half a measure, then on to an E, then back to the barre briefly... all too fast for my plodding formation.

Learning Ideas: We've been brainstorming "how to learn" at speed... (ala morse code at speed but in short spurts) .... here's an idea I'm trying. I play the whole song, except where you get to that Chorus with the barre. There, I ONLY play the barre and rest during the other chords, (during the rest, I stretch my fingers and reform the barre).  The important thing is to PLAY THE BARRE!!!!

OK, I'll first show you the cover by Clara C since it's prettier than the original (note to myself: capo on 3rd fret)

Here's the more raucus original by ColdPlay...

Lesson by my fav teacher, Marty Schwartz (capo 2nd fret)

Here's a cool idea I saw recommended on another moody song. Add this RainyMood youtube as a second track to add atmosphere while playing moody minor key songs...

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